Category Archives: t-shirts

Right-Wing T-shirts p.2

A click on the “Right-wing stuff” at Cafepress and *VOILA*, you’ve got a cornacopia of racism, hate, ignorance, and plain-old crazy. Below are some of my favorites:

Is there really a person in this country who wants to cut the fraction of a percentage point of the budget allotted for public education to “free up” more money for bombers? And I’d love to meet the guy/gal who thinks “McCarthy was right!” Shit, it’s past time we NUKED Iran, don’tyathink? Hell, let’s NUKE everybody! I remember another t-shirt I saw when I was 10 and hung out at the Army/Navy Surplus store a lot: it said “Kill ’em all–and let god sort ’em out!” That would really be the ideal solution, wouldn’t it? Then all that would be left would be, errrrr, nobody, we’d all be ash. But all the terrorists and the traitors would be dead too! And the good Christians would be on the express elevator to heaven. wouldn’t they? Hurray for Armageddon!

I included all the Fred Thompson 2008 t-shirts on the site. I’d like to point out that Fred had the most designs of any GOP candidate. It’s time to take Fred seriously–even though he’s a third-rate actor, fourth-rate politician, and fifth-rate human being. He’s going to be the nominee of the GOP, and his Southern-fried Reagan, Better Fred than Red, FREDneck, I love Jesus, love oil, love money, love Wall Street, love the flag, love Naascar, hate gays, hate Mexicans, hate abortion, hate terrorists, hate democrats, hate science persona is going to appeal to a lot of voters–the same lunatics who voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004. Be forewarned.

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